
The Best Resurfacing Treatment for Wrinkles: TIXEL (newbeauty.com)

TIXEL - Treatment for Wrinkles
Melasma is an ongoing issue that both young and old struggle with, and it oftentimes gets confused with hyperpigmentation. While hyperpigmentation can usually be traced back to a specific cause, melasma is a different story. The cause of melasma is not clear, but there are certain circumstances that experts say can attribute to melasma’s occurrence, such genetics, birth control pills, pregnancy, and sun exposure. While the cause may not currently be 100% understood, there are certainly things we can be doing to help prevent melasma from happening. It’s most important to understand that living a healthy skincare lifestyle, and consistently using quality active skincare ingredients along with sun protection, will always help you to prevent skin conditions like melasma from happening. Making good decisions for your skin and overall health and wellbeing will always be the key to maintaining a beautiful, youthful complexion. Microneedle and Dermaplaning and skin treatment (acne, rosacea, …) Account – Dermaesthetics For Professionals (dermaestheticsusa.com) elmirahalpern@gmail.com Branbella*99