Transform Your Cellular Health with Celluma.

What is LED Light Therapy?

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including skin, pain and hair restoration.

The absorbed energy is then used to improve cellular performance. Light therapy can be delivered through light emitting diode (LEDs) devices or cold LASERs, and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. This clinically validated technique is gaining greater and greater acceptance in main stream medicine by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons as a non-invasive therapeutic modality for the treatment and healing of skin and wound conditions and by pain professionals for pain relief.

Phototherapy, or LED red light therapy, has been widely researched and is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed and published clinical research papers from prestigious institutions around the world. Other terms by which light therapy is referred to are photobiostimulation, photobiomodulation, photomedicine, LED light therapy, low-level light therapy (LLLT), red light therapy, cold and soft LASER therapy. All terms are correct, have the same meaning and are used to describe the delivery of light energy to treat a variety of medical and cosmetic conditions.

LED light therapy treatments are non-invasive, painless, require no recovery time, and can be used safely on all skin types.

About the Celluma SERIES

Cleared by the FDA for pain managementskin conditions and hair restorationCelluma LED light therapy devices use specific wavelengths of light energy to improve cellular health by accelerating the repair and replenishment of compromised tissue cells for enhanced results. While similar devices on the market claim to do the same, they often require multiple machines and accessories to treat specific conditions or accommodate different parts of the body. From compact handhelds to large full-body light therapy devices, the Celluma SERIES offers convenient solutions for the treatment of skin concerns as well as muscle, joint and pain issues in a variety of versatile, affordable all-in-one systems.

The only all-in-one LED light therapy device designed to manage a variety of pain and skin conditions

What does it cost?

1 Session: $45
(20 minutes)

Unlimited Monthly: $250
(20 minutes per session)

Unlimited 15 Days: $150
(20 minutes per session)

Packages are available for 3-5 sessions, contact us for pricing.


How LED Light Therapy Works

In the same way that plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into energy, high intensity light emitting diodes (LEDs) utilizing specific, proven wavelengths of light can trigger a natural biostimulatory effect in human tissue. Research has shown that light emitting diode (LED) or phototherapy can increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, kill acne bacteria, decrease inflammation, improve acne prone skin, skin tone, texture and clarity, decrease under eye wrinkles as well as ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness, spasm, and pain associated with arthritis.

Research indicates that cells absorb particles of light (photons) and transform their energy into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the form of energy that cells utilize. The resulting elevation of ATP is then used to power metabolic processes; synthesize DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, and other products needed to repair or regenerate cell components; foster mitosis or cell proliferation; and restore homeostasis. Simply put, the LED phototherapy source provides compromised cells with added energy so the cells performance is enhanced. For example, fibroblast cells will increase collagen and elastin production in connective tissue to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in our skin and increase the rate of wound healing.




Increased ATP* causes a cascade of metabolic events resulting in biochemical and cellular changes

Celluma Versatility

Patented, pulsed-wave technology controlled by proprietary software algorithms add to the applicability of Celluma light emitting diode therapy. With the exception of the Celluma CLEAR (emits blue and red only) for treating acne, all Celluma devices are polychromatic and deliver blue (465nm), red (640nm) and infrared (880nm) light energy simultaneously to safely treat skin, pain and hair loss easily and affordably, both in a professional setting and at home. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes. For example, some reduce inflammation and some kill acne-causing bacteria, while others enhance localized circulation. With 14 models to choose from, whether you are seeking a solution to aging skin, acneic skin, pain or hair loss, there is a Celluma model to address your concerns and budget. Most Celluma models address several conditions in a single device so be sure to choose the model that best suits your particular needs.

Shining a Light onthe Celluma Difference

When it comes to phototherapy (light emitting diode therapy), there is a broad range of optical parameters required to induce cellular responses for desired therapeutic outcomes. These specific and well-proven requirements for effective light therapy begin with choosing the correct wavelengths; blue, red and near-infrared. These are the wavelengths most widely supported by credible scientific research for the effective application of low-level light therapy. Optimal energy delivery and treatment parameters are also crucial components. The importance of device placement and proximity to tissue is one aspect of LED light therapy which is often misunderstood and rarely explained effectively. The key to efficacy is getting the light emissions as close to the skin as possible to ensure optimal energy absorption. Based on Celluma’s patented shape-taking design, no other LED device is capable of positioning better or more easily than Celluma devices. A rule of thumb is to place the device as close as possible to the skin but within your comfort level or that of the patient. Remember, the closer the device is placed to the skin the more energy is available for utilization by under-functioning cells and the faster and better the improvement to skin and pain conditions.

Based on the Inverse Square Law of optical physics, we understand that the proximity to the treatment area (skin) is key to effectiveness. This law applies to all phototherapy light devices and all brands. In order to make up for the distance factor, early LED machines were built on what is considered today to be outdated platforms, and had to resort to different strategies, including increasing the number LEDs or increasing power output. However, these tactics don’t make up for distance they are positioned from the skin, they do however add dramatically to the cost of these bulky devices. Whether treating aging skin, pain or hair conditions, the key to light therapy efficacy is not how much energy is output by a device, or how many LEDs there are, but how much energy is available for absorption by the tissue (skin). So, if using phototherapy to improve skin and pain concerns, select a shape-taking LED device such as Celluma whose patented design leverages the Inverse Square Law thereby maximizing your potential for successful treatments.

The Inverse Square Law states that certain forces on an object varies by the inverse square of the distance between the object and the source of the force. Light energy obeys this law. For example, an object placed three inches away from a light source will receive only one ninth as much energy as an object placed one inch from the light. Simply put and following the principles of the Inverse Square Law, we understand that the closer the light energy is emitted to the skin the more energy is absorbed and the faster and better you will see results. What exactly does this mean for you and how do you use this information to optimize outcomes?

Today’s advances in LED technology allows Celluma to produce devices that leverage the Inverse Square Law. Celluma devices are flexible and shape-taking in design, allowing them to be contoured closely to the treatment area whether that be facial skin, arm and leg joints or contoured over the head. In application, this means faster, better and longer lasting results for you, your clients and your patients. Essentially, placing Celluma, or any light therapy device farther away from the skin will not make it ineffective, just less effective. Therefore, it makes sense to use a shape-taking LED device which can be optimally positioned so maximum energy is absorbed in the targeted region for better and faster skin results.

Additionally, Celluma’s contouring design allows previously considered “awkward” areas such as elbows, shoulders or ankles to be treated with ease. Celluma phototherapy is hands-and stand free and does not require monitoring during the treatment session. This is a welcome advancement for Practitioners and home users alike, who can enjoy more effective skin, pain and scalp treatments with improved ease-of-use.

See how Celluma compares to other light therapy and phototherapy devices for treating skin and pain conditions. The difference is uniquely clear. Celluma is:

  • Safe, clinically proven, FDA cleared and medically CE marked for skin and pain conditions
  • Non-toxic, non-invasive, compared to many skin topicals
  • Affordable alternative to drugs and harsh topical solutions
  • Conforms closely to the treatment area for optimal effectiveness unlike other LED devices
  • Patented shape-taking design. While some LED machines claim to be flexible, unlike Celluma, none can hold their shape in position without stands or cradles to hold them in place
  • Treats large surface/skin areas and can be used safely anywhere on the body
  • Portable and lightweight — ideal for travel and easy storage
  • Takes the principles of the Inverse Square Law into account
  • Embedded NASA researched technology
  • Safe treatments for the entire family, including pets*

*Not cleared for use on children under 12 years old.

Illuminating Vitalityas Nature Intended

Celluma light therapy mimics a natural photobiochemical reaction process to deliver safe, UV-free low-level light energy through FDA cleared, high-intensity LED devices. Celluma machines are FDA-cleared to treat a variety of skin and pain conditions to regain and maintain your body and skin’s natural vitality without the concern of dangerous side effects often associated with modern pharmaceuticals. Designed to address a multitude of skin and musculoskeletal conditions, Celluma is available in 1, 2 and 3-mode user-friendly devices and comes in several sizes. The Celluma DELUX permits full-body skin and pain treatments and came into being as a result of demand from customers seeking a way to treat larger areas of the body. The Celluma DELUX is medically credentialed to treat the same skin and pain conditions as other Celluma devices excluding the Celluma RESTORE which has a hair restoration program.

Depth of Light Energy Penetration

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Originally developed by NASA for astronauts who could become injured or ill on long-term space missions, low-level-light therapy is used today as a safe and natural method of treating a variety of skin and pain conditions such as acne, wrinkles, aging skin and pain.

FDA Cleared Versus FDA Approved?

Have you ever wondered about the difference between FDA Cleared versus FDA Approved? Read on for a full explanation. The FDA regulates all medical claims made by device manufacturers regarding their products. The Agency uses two different processes depending on comparative risk for reviewing medical claims before manufacturers are permitted to make those claims commercially.

The 510(k) Process

The 510 (k) process is intended to review devices that are better understood by the Agency and/or potentially less hazardous to patients, like the Celluma. This process is most often used to review Class II devices. This is a less burdensome review process and if the Agency concludes that the manufacturer has demonstrated that the device is substantially equivalent to a legally marketed device, the device is “cleared” for commercialization. A device being “cleared” is not a reflection on the efficacy of the device, only an indication of the comparative risk in use.

The Pre-Market Approval (PMA) process

The Pre-Market Approval (PMA) process is intended for devices not as well known to the Agency and that pose a greater risk to the patient, like implantable devices. An example would be a heart stint. These types of products are considered Class III devices. A PMA is a more burdensome process and if the Agency concludes that the manufacturer’s claims are supported using this process, the device is “approved” for commercialization. As a particular Class III device becomes better known to the FDA, it may be re-classified as a Class II device, meaning any subsequent review of such devices by the Agency will be done using the 510(k) process. Again, a PMA “approval” does not denote the relative efficacy of a device, only the comparative risk of the device in use.

That said, a device “clearance” is not somehow a subordinated “rating” by the Agency in comparison to an “approval”. It is just the favorable conclusion of a different review processes used by the Agency, depending on how common and how risky the device is getting reviewed.

Why FDA Cleared is Important to You?

As a Class II medical device, the Celluma SERIES of light therapy machines are FDA cleared. The FDA regulates any “medical claims” made by device manufacturers. Accordingly, before any medical claims can be legally made by a device manufacturer, those claims must be reviewed by the FDA for both efficacy and safety. The FDA does not test devices themselves, however they thoroughly analyze the data submitted by manufacturers, or “sponsors” to ensure that the claims made about the device are substantiated and that users of the products can expect effective and safe performance, relative to the claims.

Having a medical light therapy device “cleared” by the FDA is a rigorous, time-consuming and expensive process. Medical device manufacturers that pursue FDA clearance are demonstrating to the public their commitment to providing safe and effective products. Essentially, they are putting their money where their mouth is. As such, medical devices that are granted FDA clearance are made by companies who have the public interest in mind and don’t try to circumvent federal regulations in taking their products to market.

By choosing FDA cleared medical grade LED devices you are assured that appropriate regulation and authoritative oversight has been conducted. FDA clearance means that the device you are purchasing has been confirmed efficacious and safe when used as directed. In order for a medical device to receive FDA clearance, each component of the device must pass inspection – including each of its sources, suppliers, and manufacturers. Without FDA regulation, neither the device itself nor its suppliers are held accountable to quality controls or manufacturing standards, resulting in a product that may be considerably less effective and oftentimes significantly less safe than FDA cleared devices. So it stands to reason, whether choosing a red light LED device for professional or home use, whether for the treatment of skin or pain conditions, to choose a professional, medical grade light therapy device that has withstood and passed the rigorous demands of an FDA review.

Celluma LED devices are FDA cleared to treat the following conditions:

  • Full face wrinkles
  • Inflammatory acne vulgaris
  • Diminished local blood circulation
  • Muscle & joint stiffness
  • Muscle tissue tension
  • Muscle & joint pain
  • Muscle spasm
  • Arthritic pain
  • Cleared for Over-The-Counter use (note: this is known as OTC clearance and requires a higher level of both efficacy and safety data to be provided to and passed by the FDA)

Celluma is also CE Marked in the European Union (EU) as a Class IIa medical device for wound healing and was the first device of its kind to achieve such status.

Anti-Aging LED Light Therapy

Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have pursued ways of minimizing the effects of aging and increasing longevity. We do this because we all want to get the most joy and fulfillment from our finite time on earth. We want more quality time with our spouse and children, more belly laughs with our friends, more time to travel, and more time to leave our mark on the world. We would all like to achieve this without aging, and with less pain or disease.

Many spas and wellness centers now offer specific anti-aging treatments to combat a wide variety of side effects related to the aging process, including red LED light therapy. And while we can’t literally turn back the hands of time, there are steps we can take now to improve and maintain our best appearance, slow down the signs of aging, and give ourselves a bit more longevity.

So how can we safely and effectively reduce and even reverse the effects of aging and treat a number of common issues that come along with aging? There are countless research studies available discussing the benefits to our cells and tissue that can be achieved with regular use of light therapy treatments.


When it comes to aging, a significant factor that leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and joint pain is due to inadequate collagen levels. Collagen is the main structural protein found in your skin and other connective tissue. Collagen literally holds our bodies together. An easy way to remember what collagen does is to look at the Greek prefix ‘kolla’ which means glue.

Increased fibroblast proliferation is just one benefit of LED red light therapy. Fibroblasts make collagen fibers, so it stands to reason that the more, and healthier, fibroblasts we have in the skin, the more and better collagen fibers are made. And as we all know, collagen synthesis and maintenance is the bedrock of anti-aging. Collagen is a key to longevity.

Healthy collagen levels are what give us a glowing complexion, firm skin, strong nails, dense bones, and healthy hair. It is also essential in keeping muscles, joints, and tendons in healthy working order. Simply put, the more our bodies produce collagen, the better we’ll look and feel as we age and attempt to delay tissue and cell degeneration.

Signs of Aging

Fibroblast cells are responsible for producing collagen and elastin, the two most common proteins in connective tissue. However, as we age, our fibroblast cells become compromised resulting in lower levels of these proteins. We might start noticing decreased elasticity in our skin, wrinkles, and our joints may not move as freely as they used to. This is because lower levels of collagen lead to breakdowns in cartilage which can cause inflammation, soreness, stiffness, arthritis, and prolonged recovery time after physical activity. Other common signs of aging can include:

  • Skin and tissue deterioration
  • Melasma
  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic joint and muscle pain
  • Keratosis

If you’re experiencing one or more of these signs, then it could be an indicator your collagen levels are deficient.

What the Research Says

The depth of each wavelength adopted in LED therapy (blue, red, and near infrared) have differing primary targets and photoreactions in the target cells through photon absorption, intracellular signal transduction and finally the cellular photo-response.

Visible wavelengths stimulate cellular metabolism by triggering intracellular photobiochemical reactions. The observed effects include increased ATP, an organic chemical that provides energy, modulation of reactive oxidative species (ROS), alteration of collagen synthesis, stimulation of angiogenesis and increased blood flow. Research also demonstrated the increase in the production of multiple growth factors and the inhibition of apoptosis or “cell death”. All studies have demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in skin rejuvenation, as well as enhancing existing rejuvenation treatments (3,4)

Clinical studies in the use of red LED (630-700nm) on human and animal tissue, have demonstrated it activates fibroblast growth factors, increasing type 1 procollagen, an increase in Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and a decrease in MMP-1. (2). These result in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, improvement in photo-aging, a decrease in melanin and softer, smoother healthier looking skin. Skin analysis studies reveal an increased collagen density in the papillary and upper reticular dermis with the collagen bundles more packed and well organized. The thickness was observed to be greater than when evaluated before red LED treatment.

Anti-Aging Treatment with LED Light Therapy

Now that we’ve established a base understanding of why collagen is essential as we age, let’s look at the most groundbreaking and natural way to effectively generate more collagen in your body using the anti-aging effect of LED light therapy.

Proven by research, the red and near-infrared wavelengths utilized in the Celluma SERIES of LED light therapy devices combat the signs of aging. These specific wavelengths of light energy are clinically verified to enhance your body’s natural ability to generate collagen and elastin by activating the fibroblast cells.

No prescriptions. No medications. No injections. No surgery. Just safe, natural wavelengths of effective, proven light energy.

The Celluma Difference

Uniform delivery of the light energy is crucial to successful energy absorption by the cells. For this reason, we designed each of our Celluma products to conform closely to the area of treatment resulting in the unmatched ability to deliver the optimal amount of restorative light energy in each session. Celluma products stand in stark contrast to the traditional light-therapy devices which are flat and rigid and cannot contour to the body, dramatically reducing the ability of cells to absorb the optimum amount of light energy and thereby effectiveness. Bodies are not flat, therefore it makes sense that your light therapy device should contour to the area of treatment.

Products such as our Celluma PRO can be formed into a C-shape to treat facial wrinkles and fine lines while you lie comfortably on your back. Or, you can shape it to wrap easily around any body part including hands, feet, or joints to combat the effects of aging.

Celluma Works to Boost Collagen Production

Let’s quickly run through two biology basics: the Krebs Cycle and Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

1. The Krebs cycle is what generates cellular energy inside your body. Light activation boosts the body’s natural Krebs Cycle which in turn assists in creating more ATP.
2. ATP is the energy currency of all the cells in your body. When your body has sufficient ATP levels, then it has more energy to spend on restorative processes such as collagen and elastin production – these are the proteins your body uses to heal itself.

In summary: Light Therapy = Enhanced Krebs (energy) Cycle = Greater ATP Availability = More Collagen

When all of those important metabolic events are happening, it then results in greater outcomes beyond just collagen production. We see a cascade of benefits such as:

  • Cell generation to replace old cells (mitosis)
  • Reduction and prevention of cell death (apoptosis)
  • Neurogenesis (new neurons)
  • Development of new capillaries (angiogenesis)
  • Increased blood flow
  • Enhanced Nitric Oxide production

The synergistic effect is that your body is optimized to heal itself. Patients who use Celluma LED light therapy devices begin seeing:

  • Skin rejuvenation and the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Accelerated healing of chronic wounds. *
  • General pain reduction including muscle, joint and arthritic pains.

All of these great benefits can be achieved at home and at your leisure. Most people can even use Celluma devices while taking a nap or watching television.

What Does It Feel Like to Use Celluma?

Using Celluma light therapy devices is very relaxing. Simply adjust yourself into a restful position and wrap the treatment area with your Celluma. A single treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes. Most patients experience immediate results and leave their skin feeling like it is glowing. Stiff, sore and painful joints may experience improvements with one to three sessions. Keep in mind that results vary from patients to patient depending on the patient’s inherent health, the severity of the condition and adherence to protocols.

Celluma’s anti-aging LED therapy is designed to truly change the way people rejuvenate and recover. We no longer need to rely solely on costly medications, risky injections, or invasive surgery now that we have the technology to give our bodies the boost to heal naturally.

Celluma’s anti-aging LED therapy is designed to truly change the way people rejuvenate and recover. We no longer need to rely solely on costly medications, risky injections, or invasive surgery now that we have the technology to give our bodies the boost to heal naturally.

*Celluma is not FDA-cleared for wound healing.

How to use Celluma LED Light Therapy for Best Results

When it comes to using LED light therapy, whether it’s blue light therapy for acne, red light therapy for wrinkles and anti-aging issues, or near-infrared light therapy for pain, it’s best to develop an appropriate and doable routine. It’s a bit like going to the gym, if you join but don’t go, then you will not experience any of the many benefits of a gym membership.

Just like working out and exercising, the benefits of LED light therapy are cumulative. So, for best results expect to use your Celluma LED device at least two to three times a week, and even more if you wish. Use Celluma for up to 30 minutes per area for faster, better and longer lasting results. However, if you are on any medications or have any conditions that prohibits the use of light therapy then be sure to check with your primary physician prior to use.

The Question of Green LED Light Therapy

Here at Celluma we are often asked why Celluma devices do not utilize green LED wavelengths. Well, the answer is quite simple…allow us explain why green light is of no significant value and therefore not incorporated into the Celluma LED light therapy machines.

LED green light therapy utilizes green wavelengths. These green wavelengths are short in nature and as a result they do not reach deep into the skin layers, especially the dermal layer where the origin of many skin issues reside. To target these deeper layers effectively, a longer red and/or near-infrared wavelength is required. Both red and near-infrared are longer than green light and these longer wavelengths are therefore capable of reaching deeper into the skin. These deep reaching wavelengths are the most utilized, most researched and most proven wavelengths in phototherapy. Using green LEDs in any light therapy device adds additional expense but no clinical benefit. This is why green LED light therapy is not under consideration for our professional grade medical Celluma LED devices.

Celluma Convenience

Using Celluma couldn’t light therapy be easier, and with 13 models to choose from, there is a size and price to suit everyone’s needs and budget. Most Celluma LED devices are lightweight and portable, as well as very easy-to-use. If you’re lucky enough to own a battery-powered Celluma iPRO or Celluma iLITE then using light therapy just got even easier. With the added benefit of not needing to be plugged into a wall outlet, you have the freedom to use your LED light therapy anywhere and everywhere!

Celluma Innovation

The Celluma iPRO and Celluma iLITE are the very first battery-powered, professional size, medical grade LED light therapy devices on the market. The Celluma iPRO and Celluma iLITE can be conveniently used outdoors, taken on hikes, and to your favorite sporting events. Many people use Celluma while relaxing watching TV, reading, working at their desk or taking a nap!

And don’t forget to take your Celluma with you whenever and wherever you go, whether it is a weekend getaway or a long international vacation or business trip. All Celluma light therapy devices come with an International Adapter Kit so you can use Celluma freely in almost any country in the world. LED light therapy is great for alleviating muscle and joint fatigue following strenuous trips, workouts and travel.

Staying on Protocol

Whether using LED light therapy for acne, skin, aging or pain conditions, it’s easy to stay on protocol with Celluma. No other LED light therapy machine can match Celluma’s versatility. It can be placed anywhere on the body including tented over the face, wrapped around joints, laid flat over feet or hands or on the back following the curvature of the spine. Its portable, space-saving and lightweight design allows for easy storage and transportation so you can stay on protocol wherever you need to be. Stay on your light therapy protocol with your convenient, portable Celluma LED machine.

Richard Dayton

Richard Dayton

Mazyar Kahali

I went to Elmira to remove a scar that I had on my hand. The micro needling treatment was fast and fairly painless. The scar has visibly faded and I would recommend this treatment for anyone who wants to remove their scar tissue. I loved visiting Elmira, she is kind, professional and her space is beautiful and clean.

Mazyar Kahali

– Jennifer Peterson

A man and woman sleeping in a circle.

She was wonderful, very sweet. She explained the process completely. I’m looking forward to seeing the final results. Super excited to get married now. I’m finally starting to feel beautiful. Thank you Elmira.

- Jennifer Peterson

Sheri Smollen

I would recommend Elmira to everyone, she is a perfectionist with the work she does, she is so Professional and sweet. I love my eyebrows that were done by her and as we speak I am currently trying a procedure that I have never had done before , can’t wait for the outcome. When it’s complete .

Sheri Smollen

Araceli Ramirez

Elmira is so professional,her work is awesome.
I love the way my skin is looking,it feels amazing, I highly recommend this place, I got my eyebrows done and I love the natural way they look.
I can confidently go out makeup free and I’m loving it !!

Araceli Ramirez

Gary Newton II

Elmira is so professional and knowledgeable! She was able to reach my goals and accomplish results that not even my dermatologist could deliver!

Gary Newton II

mary jm.super

mary jm.super



– Maria Segovia

Elmira is great at what she does. Today I had 2 facials Dermaplanning and Microcurrent👍🏻🙏 it was a great experience and the before and after pictures speak for it self! I truly recommend Elmira I will continue with other facials she offers and my eyebrows too Lady’s give her a opportunity to work on your skin 💜 she is great and is very friendly. I know she will grow her business. Thank you Elmira 🙏💜💙❤️💚🙏

- Maria Segovia

sondi scheck

Through her expertise, Elmira worked her magic to define, color, and fill in my woefully out of shape eyebrows through microblading. Elmira is also extremely knowledgeable in current methods of facial treatments and makes excellent suggestions. She recently performed micro-channeling on my face and neck with a great result. I will definitely use Elmira for future treatments and I enthusiastically recommend her.

sondi scheck

Natalie Axl

As a professional in the anti aging industry I will like to share that Elmira is very professional and detailed in her work. I highly recommend her services!
Very clean, professional and knowledgeable in her expertise.
Thank you.

Natalie Axl

Jennifer “Jenni” Hayles

So gentle and patient! An all around beautiful soul. Takes her time and makes sure you are part of the entire process. Have recommended her to everyone who asks about my brows.

Jennifer “Jenni” Hayles

risha gatmaitan

I had microblading done 2 weeks ago and the experience has been positive throughout. Elmira was great! She took her time in designing a natural look for my eyebrows that I requested. The procedure was about 90 minutes and I was comfortable the entire time. I am very happy with the results and I look forward in trying out other services Elmira provides.

risha gatmaitan

Paul Garron

Elmira is a caring professional. She customized a treatment for my sun damaged facial skin through dermaplaning, microchanneling, celluma light therapy & sun damage products. She loves her work helping people feels better about themselves on the outside!

Paul Garron

Jessica Mayer

I had my eyebrows micro bladed and a facial with Elmira. She did an amazing job. I love my eyebrows and the facial really brightened up my complexion. Not only was I more than satisfied with her services but on top of that she had so many beauty tips that I now incorporate into my self care regime. Do not hesitate to book an appointment with her. She’s amazing!!

Jessica Mayer

Stacy Boitano

I read lots of reviews and decided to give Elmira a shot. I was so scared to get my brows done, since it’s on my face!!! When you barely have brows, it’s a game changer! Her reviews and before/after photos were incredible. I cannot express how warm and welcoming Elmira is. She makes you feel comfortable, and she goes above and beyond! I have been back for multiple services and have been happy with them all! ❤️

Stacy Boitano

robin katz

Elmira did Plasma Pen Fibroblast on me. She did a great job. She is extremely knowledgeable and it did not hurt at all. I completely trust her and highly recommend her.

robin katz

Irene Reyna

I love my new eyebrows. Elmira is awesome. Highly recommend her services.

Irene Reyna

Roshanak Gh

I had problematic skin growing up. I had a lot of acne on my back, which I picked at all the time, causing potholes, discoloration and scars all over my back. I never felt comfortable exposing my back because of it. I did two peels with Elmira and all the discoloration, potholes and scars have decreased significantly. It’s unbelievable! I never thought I could feel comfortable exposing my back but her treatments have proven otherwise. What I like most is she does natural peels without any harsh chemicals, and it has worked wonders on my skin. She’s given me new hope for my skin and confidence to show my back after many years of believing it wouldn’t be possible. If you have scars and feel insecure about your skin, this is the place to go. She’s professional and knows what’s she’s doing. I can’t recommend her enough! You will walk away with renewed confidence!

Roshanak Gh

Vanessa Gurrola

I am blessed to have run into Elmira on Instagram, she did powder brows on my eyebrows about 6 weeks ago and I could not be happier. When I came in to have the service done I was very nervous, but Elmira’s expertise put my mind at ease. She gave me some suggestions as to making my eyebrows a little longer than they were (to open me eye up) and a little darker (enhance eye color) I was hesitant at first but agreed. Her advice was spot on it was a minor tuning I did not know I needed. I went to dinner and my friends kept complementing me saying I looked really great and they could not pin point what exactly was different but I just looked enhanced and renewed. My girlfriend laughed and said I looked like I was walking around with a filter on. The bottom line is without Elmira went above and beyond my expectations for my eyebrows and I can not thank her enough. Our next step is to smooth out my crows feet around my eye and treat some hyperpigmentation on my left side of my face which happens a lot in LA because we Commute.

Vanessa Gurrola

Norma Zuniga

I went to see Elmira for a Plasma Pen Fibroblast skin treatment , she is very friendly and make me feel comfortable right away , she did an amazing job !! She also made sure that the area she was going to treat was completely numb as this was very important to me ; I started to see results almost immediately and they continue to show every day more and more !! I be going back for more procedures soon !! I definitely recommend Elmira !!!

Norma Zuniga

Jennifer Peterson

She was wonderful, very sweet. She explained the process completely. I’m looking forward to seeing the final results. Super excited to get married now. I’m finally starting to feel beautiful. Thank you Elmira. ☺️

Jennifer Peterson

Gabriella Szegedi

I went to see Elmira with my eyebrows and she did a wonderful job. She explained everything, was so patient and caring about all of my concerns. I also had sun spots on my hands which have been really bothering me and she magically removed them all with her plasma pen. It wasn’t painful and I got very quick results. She was very clear about the aftercare for both treatments, which I stuck to religiously to get the best results. My husband was so pleased with my results that he scheduled an appointment to get his sun spots removed as well. Thank you Elmira for taking such good care of both of us! You’re a true gem!

Gabriella Szegedi

Mary Zakour

Elmira very kind person. Very welcoming. I was so happy from the job I did at her clinic. I recommend every one to go there

Mary Zakour

Maureena Galindo

So happy I found Elmira!!! She is amazing at what she does. I love my brows they look so natural!

Maureena Galindo

Kate Angelis

We love Elmira!! She helped with my mother’s brows and they look incredible!! Thank you!!

Kate Angelis

marjan eskini

من پوست بسیار چرب، دارای جوش‌های سر سیاه و گاها سرسفید دارم و در دو جلسه مایکروبیلدینگ جوش هایم کاملا از بین رفته و چربی پوستم کنترل شده 🙏 ممنون از المیرای عزیز که کارش عاااالیه👌❤️

marjan eskini

rosie Fernández

Good quality 👌 😊

rosie Fernández

Vaydia Edge control

Wow I am super happy with my result. I barely had eyebrows. She made me look natural and gave me exactly what I wanted. I am so pleased. I would highly recommend. Super clean, very professional, very accommodating.

Vaydia Edge control

Maria Ruiz

“After endless searching, I finally found Elmira for microblading my eyebrows! Before we did the procedure, she was very informative and knowledgeable with each step and what was going to happen before and after. I felt comfortable and trustworthy with her…”

Maria Ruiz

Danielle Sabrina

Elmira is truly a gem, she not only has the cutting treatments but she takes the time to research the best care for you. She is absolutely amazing my skin is incredible!

Danielle Sabrina

Stephanie Rose

I finally have eyebrows! After plucking them when I was a teenager, they never grew back. I’ve been painting them in for years. Elmira has given me back time and my appearance. So grateful for her kindness, patience, and skills in making me look beautiful! THANK YOU ELMIRA!!!

Stephanie Rose

AudiaBass Claudia Castillo

After searching a good amount of Microbladding options I found Elmira Studio. She is professional, personable and incredibly detailed when she is doing her work. She has an incredible sense of facial proportions and how she draws eyebrows to fit your face is truly a work of art. There are so many options out there, but when it comes to your face you should go to someone that is passionate about her work. Elmira Studio is passionate and so much more. A true Gem.

AudiaBass Claudia Castillo

Rosa Ochoa

Rosa Ochoa

Camille Castron

This was an incredible experience! Elmira was so welcoming, and her studio is such a relaxing and comfortable environment. Just a few days after my very first session, I’ve seen amazing differences in the smoothness and pigmentation of my skin. I expressed to Elmira that I was struggling with small bumps and acne scars, and she was very knowledgeable in explaining and tailoring my treatment to meet my needs. I highly recommend and will definitely be returning.

Camille Castron

M Nez

I am very happy with Elmira’s work. She took the time to explain everything. Elmira made me feel comfortable and her work was excellent. My eyebrow s look full and even. Thank you!

M Nez

Maria Segovia

Elmira is great at what she does. Today I had 2 facials Dermaplanning and Microcurrent👍🏻🙏 it was a great experience and the before and after pictures speak for it self! I truly recommend Elmira I will continue with other facials she offers and my eyebrows too

Lady’s give her a opportunity to work on your skin 💜 she is great and is very friendly. I know she will grow her business. Thank you Elmira 🙏💜💙❤️💚🙏
. .

Maria Segovia

Afarin Azad

Elmira is very kind and very professional. Highly recommend

Afarin Azad

Bernadet Yaghobian

Elmira is a fantastic artist. I was very pleased with her work and I highly recommend her to everyone .

Bernadet Yaghobian

Marta Hernandez

She’s absolutely amazing at what she does. I’m beyond happy with how my eyebrows turned out!!

Marta Hernandez

Lynn McClintock

Elmira is an artist! I have gotten so many compliments on my brows! She is patient, personable, has great suggestions and is a perfectionist! I highly recommend!

Lynn McClintock

– Elizabeth Ruiz

Two women standing on top of a mountain with a cross in the background.

Elmira was great! This was my first time having microneedling done as well as dermaplaning. My skin felt so clean after, tight and refreshed as well. I look forward to doing more work with her in the future to keep my skin on point.

- Elizabeth Ruiz


Elmira is the best! All you have to do is look at her skin to know that she knows what she’s doing. It’s absolutely beautiful and she could not be a sweeter person. I went to her for what I thought was going to be a basic facial only to find out she customizes everything based on what you want and the shape your skin is it it’s not just a 30 or 60 minute facial and everyone gets the same thing. I also did her Tixel treatments which were amazing, not like a typical laser which can cause a lot of pain during and after and a long downtime as well as the potential to scar you. This uses heat and it is amazing. It did a great job on my fine lines and my sun damage. I am super picky and I would recommend her for her facials, her Microblading, and pretty much any treatment she offers. I love her!


Monica P

I can’t say enough good things about Elmira and her work. She is a true professional and an expert in her field. I’m absolutely in love with my powdered eyebrows. I will definitely go back to her again and highly recommend her!

Monica P

marcela avila

Agarre un paquete de 5 secciones de microchanneling con Elmira. Me encanto!me dejo la cara tersa,me cerró los poros,me a borrado arrugas alrededor de los ojos y me levanto el párpado y las líneas de expresión en la frente.
Elmira es muy amigable, profesional,puntual y limpia
Yo les recomiendo el tratamiento no se van arrepentir.
Gracias Elmira por tu excelente trabajo.

marcela avila

Taylor Rodgers

Elmira has helped me grow my natural eyebrows back with her amazing derma blading skills. She made the process comfortable and quick and I can’t wait to visit her again. 💖

Taylor Rodgers

Tulasi Iana

I had my micro shading eyebrows done with Elmira.4 weeks ago.
She is very professional.she will give good amount of time in her work.Beautiful experience ,Elmira was very knowledgeable with her friendly nature make me like a Family member.Happy with my eyebrows.
I will continue to go for more Beauty services in future.
Also had my permanent eyeliner today at Elmira studio in Westlake village with permanent Make up artist Afsaneh .
Afsaneh was very patience and make me feel very comfortable . She really did a great job with my eyeliner .I love my new look .
Very professional and friendly .Iam very pleased with her work.

Tulasi Iana

– Natalie A

A woman in a white coat with a red bow in her hair.

As a professional in the anti aging industry I will like to share that Elmira is very professional and detailed in her work. I highly recommend her services! Very clean, professional and knowledgeable in her expertise. Thank you.

- Natalie A

Elizabeth Parker

Elmira was great! This was my first time having microneedling done as well as dermaplaning. My skin felt so clean after, tight and refreshed as well. I look forward to doing more work with her in the future to keep my skin on point.

Elizabeth Parker

Amiri Shadaei

Thank you Elmira for a great job. I had a dermaplanning with Elmira, and during the process I felt at ease and comfortable. Her gentle hands and the relaxing environment really added to it. Afterwards my skin felt like that of a 🍼, soft and bright. That week l got tons of compliments from friends and family. I 100% recommend Elmira.

Amiri Shadaei

Cheryl Zeller

Elmira in Westlake Village did a great job on my eyebrows, love how they turned out. She’s really nice and her studio is really nice too.

Cheryl Zeller

Jessica Escobar

Felt very taken cared of and my skin feels so fresh!

Jessica Escobar

Jordan Jacob

Very thankful for Elmira. I had some severe damage to my skin, and she brought it back to looking like normal. So happy with my experience here.

Jordan Jacob

Ruth Molinari

Elmira is a miracle worker. With her modern technology and magic serums and potions, she has helped me reduce and get rid of scars..

Ruth Molinari

Jennifer Olszowy

Elmira did an AMAZING job with my eyebrows!! I absolutely love them; highly recommend!

Jennifer Olszowy

nazli ghalehsari

Elmira is a true artist. Shes patient and very clean and take her time to consult. We studyis beautiful and comforting. Highly recommended!

nazli ghalehsari

Bonnie Roberts

My first visit to Elmira today. I was impressed by everything I saw in the studio. Clean, organized, and a very homey atmosphere. Elmira herself was gracious, friendly, and professional. I left feeling confident that the problem eyebrows I went in with will turn out very nicely.

Bonnie Roberts

Denise Emmons

I love going to Elmire. She always knows what’s best for my skin even when I don’t. It’s a relaxing environment. She is full of great tips and just so warm and welcoming. Amazing experience!!!!

Denise Emmons

victorya Apelian

I did ombré brows. Microblading. At ELMIRA’S STUDIO.
Elmira! She’s super professional, very friendly, knowledgeable and know her job very well.
I’m very happy with my brows. I have beautiful brows now. Her work is awesome! I recommended her.

victorya Apelian

Shawna Sherburne

As someone who prioritizes self care and beauty, I couldn’t be more pleased with the expertise of Elmira. Elmira is a true professional who has displayed her gifted artistry on my face with her incredible and detailed knowledge of the skin, as well as the products that exist in todays market. Elmira recommended the Ombre Brow for my skin type. She has lifted my eyes with her precision of customizing my brows to fit my eye shape and facial structure. I now have an AMAZING arch and shade so that my eyes stand out. Most importantly I feel great with my new brows! Thank you for making me feel beautiful Elmira. I highly recommend Elmira Studio and will be her exclusive client for life.

Shawna Sherburne

nicole slattery

Elmira is so Professional!!! If I could give her 10 stars I would …. I had the Plasma Pen Tightening and I am So very Happy!!! I can’t wait to get more of her amazing services!!🤗

nicole slattery

Start anew and fresh.