Category Archives: Microblading

Permanent Makeup FAQ

Permanent Makeup Microblading FAQ

By now, you have heard of the permanent makeup craze and how amazing the results can be. Rather than having to apply the same makeup every day, you can get permanent makeup for longer-lasting results that give you confidence, save you time getting ready,

How Microneedling Can Help Your Skin

microneedling in Westlake Village

Understanding Microneedling Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses tiny needles to prick the skin. These pricks lead to collagen induction, leaving you with healthy, glowing, refreshed skin. While minimally invasive, it is often seen as the last step before a cosmetic surgical procedure for the skin. If you are tired of seeing signs of […]

Beautiful Eyebrows and Lashes in Westlake Village

Eyebrows and Lashes in Westlake Village

Beautiful Eyebrows and Lashes in Westlake Village Summer is just around the corner, which means sun, swimming, vacations, and tons of fun. One thing that is surely on your to-do list before jet setting is to make sure your beauty regime is on-point. Before heading to the Maldives this summer, make sure you’ve got your […]

Microblading Disappeared After Scabbing: Why This Happened & What to Do

Microblading is currently the most advanced and the most popular brow enhancement method, and the natural results it gives are outstanding. This cosmetic eyebrow tattoo is so loved because it is the best way to get perfectly shaped, natural-looking, dense brows that won’t come off or smudge. So, as microblading is a brow tattoo, it […]